Icerya purchasi M. Y OTROS ORGANISMOS ASOCIADOS A Ulex europaeus L. Y Cytisus monspessulanus L

M. Osorio O., L.A. Cerda M.
1984 Bosque (Valdivia)  
Icerya purchasi M. Y OTROS ORGANISMOS ASOCIADOS A Ulex europaeus L. Y Cytisus monspessulanus L. M. Osorio O., L. A. Cerda M. SUMMARY An abnormal sanitary situation was de tected in the surroundings of Valdivia city which affected to Ulex europaeus, an im portant weed in silvoagricultural systems. It was determined that the death of branches and twigs in this species was pro duced by the action of both Icerya pur chasi insect and Capnodium sp. fungus. The following insects were found to be
more » ... ated to U. europaeus: Apion ulicis, Rodolia cardinalis, Vespula germanica, Ericmodes sp. and a coleopterous (Nitidu lidae) not indentified yet. I. purchasi and Capnodium sp. were also detected on Cytisus monspessulanus, another important weed in silvoagricul tural systems. It is pointed out the convenience of studyng the biology of the harmful orga nisms mentioned above, due the importan ce they could have as biological controllers of U. europaeus and C. monspessulanus weeds.
doi:10.4206/bosque.1984.v5n2-06 fatcat:2pzzzhyi7jcthdv6hojikjhi5m