A No-Equilibrium Hyperchaotic System and Its Fractional-Order Form

Duy Vo Hoang, Sifeu Takougang Kingni, Viet-Thanh Pham
2017 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
No-equilibrium system with chaotic behavior has attracted considerable attention recently because of its hidden attractor. We study a new four-dimensional system without equilibrium in this work. The new no-equilibrium system exhibits hyperchaos and coexisting attractors. Amplitude control feature of the system is also discovered. The commensurate fractional-order version of the proposed system is studied using numerical simulations. By tuning the commensurate fractional-order, the proposed
more » ... em displays a wide variety of dynamical behaviors ranging from coexistence of quasiperiodic and chaotic attractors and bistable chaotic attractors to point attractor via transient chaos.
doi:10.1155/2017/3927184 fatcat:wplzsfjjqrebdgirq3mry6qfqi