GEPETO: A GEoPrivacy-Enhancing TOolkit

Sébastien Gambs, Marc-Olivier Killijian, Miguel Nunez del Prado Cortez
2010 2010 IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops  
A geolocalised system generally belongs to an individual and as such knowing its location reveals the location of its owner, which is a direct threat against his privacy. To protect the privacy of users, a sanitization process, which adds uncertainty to the data and removes some sensible information, can be performed but at the cost of a decrease of utility due to the quality degradation of the data. In this paper, we introduce GEPETO (for GEoPrivacy-Enhancing TOolkit), a flexible open source
more » ... ftware which can be used to visualize, sanitize, perform inference attacks and measure the utility of a particular geolocalised dataset. The main objective of GEPETO is to enable a user to design, tune, experiment and evaluate various sanitization algorithms and inference attacks as well as visualizing the following results and evaluating the resulting trade-off between privacy and utility.
doi:10.1109/waina.2010.170 dblp:conf/aina/GambsKC10 fatcat:rz334gobbfd67et7doayav6gqq