Scottish Inshore Fisheries Integrated Data System (SIFIDS): work package (8) final report WP8A: on-board observers, and WP8B: final report identifying fishing activities and their associated drivers [report]

Grant P. Course, SeaScope Fisheries Research Ltd, Grant R. Pasco, Ashley Royston, Richard Ayers, SeaScope Fisheries Research Ltd, SeaScope Fisheries Research Ltd, SeaScope Fisheries Research Ltd, Mark James, Hannah Ladd-Jones, University of St Andrews, University of St Andrews
2018 unpublished
[Extract from Executive Summary] The Scottish Inshore Fisheries Integrated Data System (SIFIDS) project aims to build on the success of a previous project called "Evidence Gathering in Support of Sustainable Scottish Inshore Fisheries", which utilised temporal and spatial data collected from commercial fishing vessels in cooperation with the fishing industry. The On-Board Observer work package (WP8A) aimed to collect the raw data that could be used by the other work packages (WPs) by sending
more » ... ervers to sea. SeaScope Fisheries Research Ltd was tasked with providing trained observers and a total of 131 volunteer vessels were recruited to the project by the Facilitators (WP7) and observers.
doi:10.15664/10023.23454 fatcat:nhcdkjt3dzhbhlimx3cavglp2m