Influence of extracurricular fertilization on growth, development, quality indicators and grain yield of winter wheat

Bakhrom Azizov, Shavkat Djabborov, Saodat Asatova, Nodira Kuchkorova, A. Zheltenkov, A. Mottaeva
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
In recent years, the increase in grain yield under irrigated conditions has led to a decrease in technological quality of grain. The main reason for this is the lack of nitrogen during the grain formation in wheat on gray soils with low humus content. Under irrigated conditions, one of the most urgent tasks is to increase the grain yield of winter wheat and improve technological quality. According to the results of scientific research, today winter wheat absorbs 50-55% of nitrogen fertilizers,
more » ... 0-22% of phosphorus fertilizers and 55-60% of potassium fertilizers. Some of the nitrogen fertilizers not assimilated by the plant are released into the air in the ammonia state, while some are washed into the groundwater in the nitrite and nitrate state. This situation has a negative impact on the environment. This condition is prevented when the leaf orchids are fed, as well as the rate of absorption of phosphorus by the plant increases sharply.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202128403012 fatcat:aan3yol7tvcavmla2ypnltszmm