Isolated Double Buck DC – DC Converter for Battery Charging and Electroplating Applications

Sreeram K
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
A double step down DC-DC converter with isolation and greater efficiency with large buck operating capability is proposed for battery charging, electroplating applications etc. This converter has an extra capacitor in the input side of the transformer. The voltage stress experienced by three switches of the transformer input side is half of the source voltage due to Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) resulting in lower output capacitor energy of the switches. Thus, this DC-DC converter utilizes
more » ... leakage inductance and lower voltage stress compared to the existing full bridge converters. Large leakage inductance leads to high circulating current, excessive voltage spikes across the secondary rectifier diodes and the oscillation-generating Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) problem. The objective is to simulate in MATLAB Simulink and develop the hardware of proposed converter with good isolation for battery charging applications. The modes of operation of the converter is analysed and the simulation and hardware results are provided to validate the merits of the converter.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.1401 fatcat:m7hejzvelrfz7fjq5q6abr4khq