Research and Development [chapter]

2013 Ammonium Nitrate Explosives for Civil Applications  
Doubletalk detection is commonly used in acoustic echo cancellation units. In situations of doubletalk the adaptive filter in the acoustic echo canceler might diverge, thereof the need for doubletalk detection. In this paper, an open-loop doubletalk detector based on power spectrum estimation is presented. The detector explores the signal characteristic of speech signals to define a frequency distance measure. The present signals are evaluated by this distance measure, and the measure is
more » ... d to a preset threshold. Doubletalk is declared whenever the measure exceeds the threshold. An objective evaluation technique is used to compare the proposed detector with two classic open-loop detectors, the Geigel detector and the open-loop correlation detector. It is shown that the proposed method outperforms the other two in the given evaluation technique. '
doi:10.1002/9783527645688.ch7 fatcat:6tczvxr6lfezdlhevjtqn6e22a