Dirac neutrino dark matter
Geneviève Bélanger, Alexander Pukhov, Géraldine Servant
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
We investigate the possibility that dark matter is made of heavy Dirac neutrinos with mass in the range [O(1) GeV- a few TeV] and with suppressed but non-zero coupling to the Standard Model Z as well as a coupling to an additional Z' gauge boson. The first part of this paper provides a model-independent analysis for the relic density and direct detection in terms of four main parameters: the mass, the couplings to the Z, to the Z' and to the Higgs. These WIMP candidates arise naturally as
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... -Klein states in extra-dimensional models with extended electroweak gauge group SU(2)_L* SU(2)_R * U(1). They can be stable because of Kaluza-Klein parity or of other discrete symmetries related to baryon number for instance, or even, in the low mass and low coupling limits, just because of a phase-space-suppressed decay width. An interesting aspect of warped models is that the extra Z' typically couples only to the third generation, thus avoiding the usual experimental constraints. In the second part of the paper, we illustrate the situation in details in a warped GUT model.