Visual Inspection of Ceramic Tiles Surfaces Using Statistical Features and LVQ of Artificial Neural Networks

I. Henawy, S. Mougy, A. El Azab
2014 IJCI. International Journal of Computers and Information  
A product inspection is an important stage in the product manufacturing process before packing process. Visual inspection is an application of computer vision and image processing. Using Automatic Visual Inspection (AVI) in ceramic tile inspection gives more reliable, fast, robust, and less human intervention, increases processing stability, and improves overall production performance. Many approaches had been applied for this purpose starting from primitive pixel by pixel comparison to
more » ... techniques such as statistical, structural, and signal processing techniques. In this paper, we use statistical approach as a feature extraction approach for visual inspection of ceramic tiles surfaces defects with neural network classification techniques. Our results show that statistical techniques used for extracting ceramic tile features with LVQ neural networks classifiers give subtle results especially LBP and GLCM which give 96% and 90% of correct classification respectively.
doi:10.21608/ijci.2014.33966 fatcat:4nu75kzacjganfjdamtf5c6kli