Low- and High-Speed Cascade Tests of Air-Cooled Turbine Blades

T. Yoshida, M. Minoda, K. Sakata, H. Nouse, K. Takahara, M. Matsuki
1976 Volume 1A: General   unpublished
Two-dimensional turbine cascade tests have been carried out in order to make sure of aerodynamic and cooling performances and study the influence of the coolant ejection from the blade surface of the air-cooled turbine cascade in advance of their application to high temperature turbines. Several kinds of air-cooled nozzle and rotor blades have been tested in two cascade wind tunnels of different types. Chordwise distributions of the cooling effectiveness, mean cooling effectivenesses,
more » ... l contours on the blade surface by infrared thermal cameras, and the effects of coolant ejection on the aerodynamic performance are presented.
doi:10.1115/76-gt-40 fatcat:fcekwom2yjhmve3zpr5dvndwam