An experimental study on the application of radionuclide imaging in repairing bone defects

Weimin Zhu, Daping Wang, Liangquan Peng, Xiaojun Zhang, Yangkan Ou, Wenzhe Fen, Wei Lu, Yun Han, Yanjun Zeng
2013 Artificial Cells Nanomedicine and Biotechnology  
Th e aim of our study was to validate the eff ect of radionuclide imaging in early monitoring of the bone' s reconstruction, the animal model of bone defect was made on the rabbits repaired with HA artifi cial bone. Th e ability of bone defect repair was evaluated by using radionuclide bone imaging at , ,  and  weeks postoperatively. Th e results indicate that the experimental group stimulated more bone formation than that of the control group. Th e diff erences of the bone reconstruction
more » ... bility were statistically signifi cant (p<.). Th e nano-HA artifi cial has good bone conduction, and it can be used for the treatment of bone defects. Radionuclide imaging may be an eff ective and fi rst choice method for the early monitoring of the bone' s reconstruction.
doi:10.3109/10731199.2012.742098 pmid:23305343 fatcat:3tkes77vrjbixgdhjmimthoqky