On the integration of the feature model and PL-AOVGraph

Lidiane Santos, Lyrene Silva, Thais Batista
2011 Proceedings of the 2011 international workshop on Early aspects - EA '11  
In this paper we propose PL-AOVGraph, an extension to the aspect-oriented requirements modeling language, AOV-Graph, to support the definition of software product line requirements. With PL-AOVGraph it is possible to specify requirements and variabilities. In general SPL variabilities are represented using the Feature Model, however, this model does not represent the requirements of the system. PL-AOVGraph and the Feature Model are complementary approaches as they represent different
more » ... s of a system. With the goal of inserting PL-AOVGraph in the SPL development process, this work proposes a bi-directional mapping between PL-AOVGraph and the Feature Model.
doi:10.1145/1960502.1960509 fatcat:35e4sichqngapgkg3mo5vaz5gi