Awareness of prescription writing and impact of educational intervention among practitioners attending modern pharmacology course in Tertiary care hospital

Dr Milind.L. Pardeshi
2019 Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research  
Appropriate prescription writing is an integral part of healthcare by which a physician can influence the patient's health and well-being. Any mistake in writing a proper prescription leads to prescription errors, in turn leading to medication errors. Objectives: 1.To assess the prescription writing skills among the practitioners attending the course in modern pharmacology.2.To assess the impact of educational intervention on complete prescription writing among the practitioners attending the
more » ... urse in modern pharmacology. Method: A cross-sectional survey was carried out amongst practitioners attending course in modern pharmacology. A questionnaires was administered to the practitioners, and were asked to write prescription on clinical scenario followed by lecture on the same topic. Again post lecture analysis was done. Result: In pre-test analysis 41.86% of the practitioner was knowing about the parts of prescription but in post lecture analysis 93.02% were aware of it. Act regulating prescription writing was known to only 44.18% practitioners before lecture but in post-test 100% were aware of it. In pre-test analysis of prescription writing skills, date was written by only 48.83% practitioners and post lecture all prescriptions were with date. Generic prescribing was seen in only 37.20% prescriptions but post lecture 97.67% prescriptions had generic prescribing. Strength of drug prescribed was mentioned in 62.79% prescriptions and in post-test 97.67% prescriptions had mentioned it. Conclusion: For the development of skills required for good prescription writing there's need to strengthen educational programmes on prescription writing repeatedly and at a wider range.
doi:10.18535/jmscr/v7i2.88 fatcat:vqwpnrvxazglzopduwazle4wta