IOT based Smart Greenhouse

Vishal Singh
2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Internet of Things is one of the most important technologies of the 21st century. Smart green Housesystem is basically a system in which various sensors are used for controlling and monitoring various parameters inside greenhouse such as temperature, pressure, humidity, soil moisture, ph sensors etc. And green house is basically a place or we can call it an environment where plants like vegetables and flower and grown and they are usually covered with glass or "translucent plastic roofs". The
more » ... rpose of this project is to design an easy, easy to install, user-friendly to monitor and trace the values of parameters such as temperature, humidity, natural sunlight which are continually monitored and controlled with an aim to optimize them for getting maximum possible plant increase and yield
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2021.34822 fatcat:mwxe7hdcqvgihkckl6bowef3pa