Apparatus for Printing by the Blue Process

Channing Whitaker
1882 Scientific American  
There were 565 sets of vertical velocity measurements com-I a series of articles which appeared in The Milling World about I further �sted br mea;ns best . �nown to millers, as regards bined into forty-six sf'ries . The forty-six average curves: a year ago. In tbe next place, tbe oil contained in the germ j "doughmg-up,' keepmg qualities, color, etc . And then tbe were all very flat and convex down stream-except near an i not only discolors the flour, b�t seriously interferes witb its I result
more » ... an be no les� than to sbow wbat �iIlers already . kne,w irregular bank-and were approximately parabolas with I keeping qualities. Now col?r IS only a matt�r o� taste, and -that tbe best qualityat' flou . r, co�mandlDp the . top prl?es III borizontal axes; tbe data determined tbe parameters only I if tbat were tbe only objection to the germ,. It �Igbt be ad-. tbe market, c . annot be obtamed from an mfenor quality of very rougbly; tbe maxi!llum velocity line was usually below I mi�ted, . but w� certain . ly d? not want anytbmg m �ur flour! wheat . -M'1hng World. __ _ _____ _ tbe service and sank III a rectangular channel, from the I to mterlere With maklDg light, sweet bread, and Will render! center out�ard down to about mid-depth near tbe banks . : it more liable t<,J spoil. If ou� sci , entist� cal!-discover sC!me I APPARATUS FOR PRINTING BY THE BLUE PRO-Its depression seemed nut to depeud on tbe deptb, slope, ! metbod of obvlatlllg tbe�e . 0bJectlOns, It Will the!! be .tlme CESS. * velocity, or wind; probably the air itself, being a continuous I enough to talk about re�alDlDg t�e germ . Meanwhile millers I source C!f surface r�tardat�on, �ould . permanently �epress I kn ? w ,that ger � y flour IS .l ? W pnced flour, .al!-d tbey are not I By CHANNING WHITAKER. � be ma � lmum velOCIty;, wlnle wmd falle<;l to effect t!llS, ow-v e�y . likel y to reduce the u profi t s by reta l Dlllg the g erm 'l TH E blue process is well known to the members of the lDg t? Its short duratIon. On any vertICal the mld-deI!th },hlllrlg World . _________ I · society, and I lleed not take time to describe it; but with the velOCIty was grea\er than . tbe mean, and tbe bed . veloClty ordinary blue process printing frame the results are somewas �he least. 'rhe detall . s sho�ed �hat tbe �lI1d:dept� WHEAT TESTS.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican12301882-5820csupp fatcat:42v62ag25fbqfnmaqfwj6jr7dm