A surface Acoutic Wave Study of the Structural Properties of Langmuir-Blodgett Films

P. Koštial, J. Cirák, D. Barančok, P. Tomčik, S. Hunklinger, M. V. Schickfus, D. Binz
1995 Journal de Physique III  
We have investigated the propagation of surface acoustic waves in ultrathin ordered organic films. For this purpose cadmium stearate Langmuir -Blodgett films were deposited on iZ LiNb03 crystals. By measuring the wave attenuation~changes in the configuration of the film could be detected. The results are explained qualitatively within a microscopic model. surface waves (SAW) have been published. The authors in [2] confirmed the considerable suitability of SAW velocity measurements for the
more » ... pment of gas sensing devices. Certainly, the SAW technique together with LB structure will result in the development of a new kind of sensors fully exploiting the unique properties of organic molecules. But a deficiency of SAW velocity measurements is that they are insensitive to subtle conformation changes of the molecules forming the LB film. On the other hand it is well known that the measurements of ultrasonic attenuation can provide such information.
doi:10.1051/jp3:1995129 fatcat:ix2eiy7opfdq7lykzs5jiy5tgm