Low Energy Beam Transport System for MESA

Christoph Matejcek, Kurt Aulenbacher, Simon Friederich, Lutz Hein, Ramberger, Suitbert (Ed.), Draper, Mick (Ed.), Schaa, Volker RW (Ed.)
An important part of the new accelerator MESA (Mainz Energy recovering Superconducting Accelerator) is the low energy beam transport system connecting the 100 keV electron source with the injector accelerator. Here the spin manipulation and the bunch preparation for the injector accelerator take place. Due to the low energy, space charge will be an challenging issue in this part. Therefore, start-to-end simulations were done with a combination of the two particle dynamics codes PARMELA* and
more » ... *. At the moment, a test setup is being built up to check the functionality of devices and compare the beam parameters with the simulation. Here the focus lies on the bunch preparation system because at this part we expect high impact of the space charge by reason of the necessary bunch compression. The advance of the test setup, the simulations and measurements done so far will be shown.
doi:10.18429/jacow-erl2017-mopspp008 fatcat:jvq7ups25nfljib63rn4gsmyqq