Project of a Novel Multi-Orbital Beam Bunching and Extraction from the U-120M Cyclotron

Milan Čihák, Radomír Běhal, Pavel Krist, Tomas Matlocha, Jan Stursa, Vaclav Zach, Conradie, Lowry (Ed.), De Villiers, John Garrett (Ed.), Schaa, Volker RW (Ed.)
We introduce the bunching system for a time structure control of the U-120M cyclotron beam. The system is based on a unique pulsed vertical deflection of the selected final orbits of the internal accelerated beam of the H⁻ ions to an extractor-stripper (a thin carbon foil positioned below the cyclotron median plane). A set of home-made programs have been developed for simulations and parameters determination of the system. Results of some simulations (i.e. dimensions of the deflection system,
more » ... rameters of the pulsed high voltage power supply, position of the stripper, beam trajectories, beam parameters, beam losses, Be target position etc.) are presented. The system will be used for fast neutron generation and consequently for spectrometric measurement of neutron energy by the time of flight (ToF) method. The system will provide beam bunch interval up to 1000 ns range of a defined beam time structure (up to beam bunch period to beam bunch width ratio min 100).
doi:10.18429/jacow-cyclotrons2019-mop022 fatcat:5w6phhpkbbghhfr57xpp7n2kmy