Clinical and psychological characteristics of emotional burnout in business leaders

J. Palovski
2020 Science and Education a New Dimension  
The study is devoted to investigating the features of professional emotional "burnout" in business leaders. The paper presents the structure of the syndrome of emotional "burnout" of these specialists, considers the main clinical manifestations of emotional burnout syndrome and principles of approach to treatment of this disorder. Purpose: studying the clinical manifestations of emotional burnout syndrome in business leaders. Material and methods: the study examined 131 business managers of
more » ... erent levels (including private entrepreneurs) with clinical manifestations aged 25 to 45 years, who formed the main group. The control group consisted of 106 healthy business leaders. Manifestations of the emotional burnout syndrome were assessed with the help of a questionnaire developed by V.Boyko. To objectify the degree of asthenic disorders severity, the asthenia scale (MFI-20) with five sub-scales was used, to assess personal and situational anxiety we used Spielberger-Khanin test; to assess auditory memorythe technique of "ten words memorizing". Results and conclusion. In the structure of the emotional burnout syndrome, several dominant syndromes are distinguished: asthenic, psycho-vegetative, cephalic, anxious-phobic and mild cognitive impairment syndrome. The main syndromes characteristic of business leaders with emotional burnout syndrome are reflected. The most frequent in the syndrome of emotional burnout is an asthenic syndrome. Correctional measures allow weakening the manifestations of the disorder in question. A set of measures to correct the emotional burnout syndrome, which involves preventive and psychocorrective measures, is suggested.
doi:10.31174/send-pp2020-239viii95-19 fatcat:xx7m2vwclzhqxkutxbagwn44uu