A New Contourlet Transform with Sharp Frequency Localization

Yue Lu, Minh N. Do
2006 2006 International Conference on Image Processing  
The contourlet transform was proposed as a directional multiresolution image representation that can efficiently capture and represent singularities along smooth object boundaries in natural images. Its efficient filter bank construction as well as low redundancy make it an attractive computational framework for various image processing applications. However, a major drawback of the original contourlet construction is that its basis images are not localized in the frequency domain. In this
more » ... , we analyze the cause of this problem, and propose a new contourlet construction as a solution. Instead of using the Laplacian pyramid, we employ a new multiscale decomposition defined in the frequency domain. The resulting basis images are sharply localized in the frequency domain and exhibit smoothness along their main ridges in the spatial domain. Numerical experiments on image denoising show that the proposed new contourlet transform can significantly outperform the original transform both in terms of PSNR (by several dB's) and in visual quality, while with similar computational complexity. Index Terms-Contourlet transform, multiscale pyramid, directional filter banks, image denoising
doi:10.1109/icip.2006.312657 dblp:conf/icip/LuD06 fatcat:ijhiejanpfeuvlsrtszdy6n44i