Usage of Social Media Among LIS Students in India [chapter]

S. Thanuskodi
Literacy Skill Development for Library Science Professionals  
Social Media has become a popular method for students to share information and knowledge and to express emotions. They enable students to exchange videos files, text messages, pictures and knowledge sharing. They provide an opportunity for students to improve social networking and learning processes, which promotes knowledge in society. This study examined the Use of Social Media among LIS students of Selected Universities in India. The main objectives of the study are: to find out the reasons
more » ... hy LIS students use Social Media, to identify students' perception of Social Media and to find out the frequency of Social Media usage. The study used a questionnaire in order to discover the use of SNS. Well structured questionnaires were distributed among 400 LIS students in India. Out of the 400 questionnaires distributed, 360 were completely filled and returned giving a return rate of 90%. Findings revealed that the students used Social Media to share Information, chat and interact with friends. Similarly, they spend more than five hours using Social Media. Findings of the study indicate that using Social Media has positively influenced their lifestyles and greatly helped them to achieve academic excellence. The study therefore concludes that Social Media is an indispensable Internet platform among LIS students in India.
doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-7125-4.ch001 fatcat:3jcijuk3ubdl7iwafq62a6yaxq