Beam Diagnostics E-GUN Test Stand at TARLA

Caglar Kaya, Avni Aksoy, Ayhan Aydin, Vahap Karakilic, Özlem Karslı, Emre Kazancı, Burak Koc, Sinan Kuday, Suat Özkorucuklu, Evrim Polat, Ibrahim Sara, Mustafa Yildiz (+4 others)
Turkish Accelerator and Radiation Laboratory in Ankara (TARLA) facility, which is essentially proposed to generate oscillator mode FEL in 3-250 microns wavelengths range, will consist of totally normal conducting injector system with 250 keV beam energy, two superconducting RF accelerating modules in order to accelerate the beam 15-40 MeV. Continuous wave (CW) electron beam will provided by TARLA thermionic electron gun (E-GUN). Various aspects of the Thermionic EGUN test stand to deliver the
more » ... cessary electron beam in terms of bunch charge, current, energy, emittance and profile for the beam diagnostic will be discussed. Primarily measurements results of electron beam energy loss and transverse orbit will be shown as well as beam image and shape measurements.
doi:10.18429/jacow-ipac2014-mopri045 fatcat:xdn3n6nwhzgc3cg4rqkfz63vie