Endoscopic Features and Diagnostic Procedures of Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis

Keigo Ashitani, Yoshikazu Tsuzuki, Minoru Yamaoka, Hideki Ohgo, Ichimura Takaya, Kusano Takeru, Nakayama Tomohiro, Hidetomo Nakamoto, Hiroyuki Imaeda
2019 Internal medicine (Tokyo. 1992)  
No specific endoscopic features for eosinophilic gastroenteritis (EGE) have been reported previously. This study therefore evaluated the endoscopic findings of six patients with EGE. The diagnosis was confirmed based on gastrointestinal symptoms, pathological findings on biopsy, and the absence of other diseases. The site of the lesion was identified based on eosinophilic infiltration with ! 20 cells per high-power field during a pathological specimen analysis. Flattening of the small
more » ... villi was observed in four patients; we believe that this may be a specific feature in the diagnosis of EGE.
doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.2298-18 fatcat:permjvnqefh67ejkmfcw3zzgma