Fostering the Management of Post Office Building from Architectural, Heritage and Urban Design View (Case study: The Solo Post Office, Central Java, Indonesia)

R.Siti Rukayah, Shabrina Adine Vania, Sudarmawan Yuwono
2020 Proceedings of the International Conference of Heritage & Culture in Integrated Rural-Urban Context (HUNIAN 2019)   unpublished
There have been many studies on the impact of social media and the presence of freight forwarding services by private parties. Social media and private parties have an effect on post office services in the world and Indonesia. The digital era and the delivery of mail and goods through private sector services has led postal services to do some innovations. There have been several efforts by PT. Pos Indonesia in transforming businesses following the rapid changes in the business environment. The
more » ... trategy of PT. Pos Indonesia is by conducting transformation covering all aspects of business, human resources, strengthening of subsidiaries, developing new products, and pushing towards digitalization. Other efforts include venturing into financial services and purchasing tickets and payment for electricity, water, and daily necessities. The post office is open longer hours from Monday to Saturday from 08:00 am to 09:00 pm. From several studies, some of the strategies carried out focus on managerial improvement. There is potential for organizational development from an architectural and urban design perspective. The method used in this study was to collect data from the aspects of architecture and urban design. The technique was used to find the potential location and commercial value of buildingsre-documenting architectural building as a research method. There found a possibility for developing the third floor of the post office as a commercial area that supports the potential of the surrounding urban space, which is full of historical values. In Indonesia, the presence of the post offices are usually in the historic cities, and the activity continues today. Due to the presence of social media and competition with private shipping service, the space of post office activities is shrinking. The rest of the unused space can be used for commercial activities in areas that support postal activities, cultural heritage values , and city heritage values. Moreover, the location is close to commercial areas and historical city areas. This recommendation can increase the financial income of PT. Pos Indonesia. This breakthrough finding can answer the question of the collapse of post offices in Indonesia due to the presence of social media and the delivery of goods through private shipping services. These efforts support building conservation activities by the application of adaptive reuse in cultural heritage buildings.
doi:10.2991/aer.k.200729.023 fatcat:5c5auk5zkzb73kltkri6cn6ct4