Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Research Paper Publication

Shiva Raj KC
2020 Nepalese Medical Journal  
With its capacity to transmit rapidly and cause fatality, the global health crisis was declared on 11 March 2020. Since then, the curiosity among the treating physicians and clinical researchers were overwhelming. In medical science, unless it is not documented, it is considered that it didn't happen. Furthermore, experience sharing is a very important tool of learning and communicating that help in the management of COVID-19. One of the very important ways of information sharing is the
more » ... ion of research papers. With the outbreak of nCOV-2, research papers and preprints are appearing every day. By January 30, 2020, more than 50 research papers have been published. 3 This outburst of research papers regarding COVID-19, has been able to elevate the confi dence of the treating physicians.
doi:10.3126/nmj.v3i1.30534 fatcat:62i27aylvfbnndlz5pt6tlb2te