Applications of Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing in Road Monitoring in Minna and Environs, Nigeria

Onuigbo I. C Onuigbo I. C
2013 IOSR Journal of Environmental Science Toxicology and Food Technology  
The study focused on the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) in road monitoring for maintenance. Data used include satellite imagery of the study area. The acquisition of data used was by field method, remote sensing method and a combination of remote sensing and GIS.Data from field measurements served as input data to the GIS database. Satellite imageries showed current, up-to-date roads, their locations, and other details, including condition, number of lanes
more » ... other attributes.GIS was used to create the database of roads and for data processing and analysis. The results showed that GIS and Remote Sensing can be used successfully in road monitoring. The results further demonstrated the efficiency and efficacy of GIS and RS. Adequate recommendations were also made.
doi:10.9790/2402-0360105 fatcat:3b5mfr2cibeevbjbi66yfr7czq