The Application of Folin's Method for the Determination of Ammonia to Fertilizers

Otto Folin, A. W. Bosworth
1913 Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry  
The pharmacopoeial tincture contains about 6.56 grams of free iodine and j grams of potassium iodide in I O O cc. The range of variation (1.97 to 9.26 grams per I O O cc.) is certainly remarkable. What real valid excuse can be offered for either of the above extremes? Furthermore, is there any substantial reason for some of the other variations? The permissible variation from the standard must he met sooner or later. Shall i t be stringent or reasonable? If reasonable, shall the variation be j
more » ... er cent or I O per cent or 2 0 per cent? ('onsidering that the adjective " about" qualifies the ;tmount of free iodine that should be present in the tincture, about 60 per cent exceed a j per cent variation, 40 per cent a I O per cent variation and 18 per c m t a 2 0 per cent variation. I do not believe many manufacturers will contend for or advise a 20 per cent variation in that i t would not only savor of carelessness hut actually encourage it. Is then a I O per cent variation either way from the standard, reasonable, fair and just to the manufacturer, the consumer, the physician, etc., or is i t desirable to be more stringent? Suggestions are invited either in the columns of TITIS J O U R N A L or otherwise. The free iodine is the cssential factor of this tincture but the potassium iodide and percentage of alcohol must also be considered. The conditions noted above relative t o the variability of the free iodine also hold for potassium iodide. The variation ranges from no potassium iodide to 6.82 grams per r o o cc. Discussion in this connection is also invited. DRUG DIVISION
doi:10.1021/ie50054a015 fatcat:6b3afadjrvcb7mtslizwl5ppiy