Reduced propagation loss in silicon strip and slot waveguides coated by atomic layer deposition

T. Alasaarela, D. Korn, L. Alloatti, A. Säynätjoki, A. Tervonen, R. Palmer, J. Leuthold, W. Freude, S. Honkanen
2011 Optics Express  
When silicon strip and slot waveguides are coated with a 50 nm amorphous titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) film, measured losses at a wavelength of 1.55 μm can be as low as (2 ± 1) dB/cm and (7 ± 2) dB/cm, respectively. We use atomic layer deposition (ALD), estimate the effect of ALD growth on the surface roughness, and discuss the effect on the scattering losses. Because the gap between the rails of a slot waveguide narrows by the TiO 2 deposition, the effective slot width can be back-end controlled.
more » ... his is useful for precise adjustment if the slot is to be filled with, e. g., a nonlinear organic material or with a sensitizer for sensors applications.
doi:10.1364/oe.19.011529 pmid:21716384 fatcat:egeevqgsorgpzpzje7irtovelq