Мовні Засоби Портретноїхарактеристики Ярини В Романі О. Ільченка «Козацькомуроду Нема Переводу…»

С. В. Помирча
2018 Zenodo  
The article deals with the problem of linguistic and sty-listic image of the portrait traits in the novel by O. Ilchenko. The author of the work represents the verbal expression of ethnic psychics archetype «Girl» as a traditional synthetic portrait, which cor-relates with external and internal, physical and psychological portrait traits. The artistic image of Yarynka in the novel is the embodiment of the most typical ethnic psychics features of a young girl. The verbalization of ethnic
more » ... archetype «Girl» is characterized in the text by the vocabulary, which gives an epithet, a metaphorical characterization of the image. The linguistic portrait of Yaryna is aimed at the disclosure of not only outer beauty, but also the positive internal features of the character. The actuality of work is determined by the attention of modern linguistics to the problems of the functioning of linguistic units in terms of the interaction of language, human and culture, which involves their analysis taking into account ethnopsycholinguistics and linguoculture.The purpose of the article is to investigate the ways and forms of verbalization of ethnic psy-chics archetype «Girl» in the novel «No waste of cossack stock...». The achievement of this goal involves the characterization of ethnic psychics archetype «Girl» through the verbalization of por-trait characteristics of Yaryna in the novel, as well as analysis of nonverbal means of expressing of the mental state of the character.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1204529 fatcat:ptl57sqgdbfpvi76cskhbkloxa