A Novel Compact Microstrip Elliptical Patch Resonator Filter with Tunable Bandwidth

Ruwaybih Alsulami, Heather Song
2013 Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications  
A novel elliptical patch resonator for a compact bandpass filter with tunable bandwidth is presented. This bandpass filter has the advantage of great flexibility in which the center frequency can be changed easily. The bandwidth of this filter can be modified by simply changing one variable, and this makes the proposed design unique. The order of the elliptical patch resonator can be increased, and three types of different orders of the same design are compared. The proposed filter can be used
more » ... or future compact advanced wireless communication systems.
doi:10.4236/jemaa.2013.52012 fatcat:eb6y7mr4gvfb3ozqc3rbyhnwla