Minimal Explanation of Flavor Anomalies: B -Meson Decays, Muon Magnetic Moment, and the Cabibbo Angle

David Marzocca, Sokratis Trifinopoulos
2021 Physical Review Letters  
Significant deviations from the standard model are observed in semileptonic charged and neutral-current B decays, the muon magnetic moment, and the extraction of the Cabibbo angle. We propose that these deviations point towards a coherent pattern of new physics effects induced by two scalar mediators, a leptoquark S 1 and a charged singlet ϕ þ . While S 1 can provide solutions to charged-current B decays and the muon magnetic moment, and ϕ þ can accommodate the Cabibbo-angle anomaly
more » ... y, their oneloop level synergy can also address neutral-current B decays. This framework provides the most minimal explanation to the above-mentioned anomalies, while being consistent with all other phenomenological constraints.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.127.061803 fatcat:haweu45axjbcxcltyg3rz3dube