النظرية الأسمية عند سول كريبكي دراسة تحليلية في فلسفة اللغة وعلاقتها بالمنطق الجهوي

د. محمد سليم محمد حفني
2022 مجلة الجمعية الفلسفية المصرية  
The research is entitled ' Saul Kripke's Theory of Nominalism '. An analytic study on philosophy of language and modal logic It is divided into the following topics: an introduction, the name and its relation to the meaning, his criticism of the theory of definite descriptions, the idea of rigid designators, the theory of possible worlds and their modal characteristics, the notion of Natural kinds and a conclusion )research results(. The significance of this research comes from it deals with a
more » ... undamental idea in the philosophy of language, which is »nominalism and its relationship to meaning and reference to the contemporary American philosopher and logician« Saul Kripke )1940 AD(. Kripke made unique and influential contributions to Logic, especially Modal Logic. Moreover, his book Naming and Necessity 1970 CE -undoubtedly -had the profound impact on the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind. He presented his theory of nominalism, in particular the rigid designators notion, as the most advanced alternative solution to the theory of B. Russell )1872-1970( definite descriptions.
doi:10.21608/mafa.2022.273805 fatcat:kwmwbeprkjdtbcxki4bm3k4voa