The Nanaimo Free Press [Friday, February 24, 1922]
(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Tlio coit of muIntalnlnB the forces of Seventeenth AniUrprsarr of Onpud* inlUm 0^t•b^Ut•d at Loacheon MertloK at Windaor Hotel. Patting sentiment to work and ^____ feeding It something In the form ot .occni ictlcal effort that will give It more _ e than the toi air that ua-|5" of 987.-. la the way one of 1®®?'®°® marks. Of this snm S,640.-pracii ually fills it out, the speakers befo dsfincil the growth of the organliatlon at the celebration of Us seven teenth anniversary hero today. From one
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... to eighty thousand, from one club to me ' and. from one city twenty-five countrl cycle of seventeen years. Is the v 5!!11 '•**«"» of »«7.ts grown, n • at the bln 1 for the growth-but the.main reason ' ' ' practical growt ■eason suggested U that the practical application of the Ro tary creed --He Profits Most Who Serves Best"-In all brai ranches n'VS: grow, sureibslanllally. ThU unique part of what Is called the itform and the Rotary Code e principles ctuating all tmalness and social life In mnnlties where Rotary has tabltshrd lias caused It I lyjm^ substanllallj Rotary Ph of Ethics. The Rotary Platform was adopted by the organUatlon In Itll and Is a eonclsi' statement of the and ethics guiding Rotary Clubs. The -Rotary Code of ahlcs" was adopted in 1916 and sets forth the principles and pracUces that "should exist not only between Rotarlans but all business and professional t everywhere." The anniversary meeting here to, day served to call attention to the fact that Roury Club activities are many and varied. They are usually confined locally to activities wl organlxatlon Is formed g the Taking the activities of lubs the world over they life. aU Rotary Cli ... touch evivry phase of c For example, a depar work la one -of the s iMta St the central ^0 made necessary because of the Isterest manifested by Rotary Clubs is Ills work. Rotary Boys Work Is •ot confined to sny one phase. Sev ers] dabs hare made a. notable swv eras in their humanitarian work among the crippled children of the But hoys work, as stated before, is only one of the many activities. Se cond to none In Rotary actU ousing a civic prid > that has restille Ihe preparation and adoptloi beautiful plans; erection of dnl. houses for soldiers and community settlement houses and the providing of nlehi schools for aliens and their Instruction In the fundamentals of Americanism. Better public high ways. "gel-together meetings" of far mers and business men. community singing, employment of visiting nurses. s:ifetv.first camp.ilgns. In fact, a complete Hat of the various ■........ ■ Rotary Clubs would WILLRECOHiD REDECTION IN ARMYESTHTES London. Feb. 24-Sir Laming Worthlngton-Evana. speaking at Chorley last night announced on the basis that It were better to face un-cerUin naval and military risks than encounter certain financial and econarmy eaUmales by 16.600 instead of 20.000.000 as the Geddea report. This, said the Secretary of War. ould mean s reduction of the army V 32.000 men. the disbanding of 24 ittallona of Infantry. 4 batteries ■tlllcry and the equivalOBt of f ivalry regiments, wift a correamdlng redaction In Higher staffs Id auxiliary services. UiRtlK PmU'ERTIES WILL BK HOIiD I-ondon, Feb 24.-Reuter's Mel-------■ ibles lary Code omlc risks, the Oovei pared to recommend a reduction 16.600.000 pounds proposed In