Institutional Features of the Neo-Weberian state Civil service in the Mechanism of Management of Modern Military Organization

P. A. Shashkin
2020 Humanities and Social Sciences Bulletin of the Financial University  
The author examines the institutional features of the civil service in the model of the "Neo-Weberian state" regarding improving the quality of management of a modern military system. The civil service is considered as an institution for the development of human capital, an element of civil-military synergy that guarantees the stability of management and the legitimacy of political power, including defining the goals of military policy. The study analyses the main features of representation and
more » ... the realisation of the interests of actors within the framework of the civil service institute to ensure high quality of cognitive management and comprehensive national security. The author analysed the institutional features of the "Neo-Weberian state" civil service model — elitism and integrativeness, and the types of relations they form — autonomy and cognitiveness, on the example of the activities of the European Defense Agency. Analysis of the institutional features of the civil service in the "Neo-Weberian state" model in the mechanism of management of a modern military system serves to determine the motives and forms for the realisation of the interests of actors in military policy, including setting political goals of war, conducting intelligence activities and organising military-civilian cooperation.
doi:10.26794/2226-7867-2019-9-6-62-71 fatcat:ajui6asvrvgllipl7kf5dxnbjm