Markov basis for design of experiments with three-level factors [chapter]

S. Aoki, A. Takemura, Paolo Gibilisco, Eva Riccomagno, Maria Piera Rogantin, Henry P. Wynn
Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Statistics  
We consider Markov basis arising from fractional factorial designs with threelevel factors. Once we have a Markov basis, p values for various conditional tests are estimated by the Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure. For designed experiments with a single count observation for each run, we formulate a generalized linear model and consider a sample space with the same sufficient statistics to the observed data. Each model is characterized by a covariate matrix, which is constructed from the main
more » ... and the interaction effects we intend to measure. We investigate fractional factorial designs with 3 p−q runs noting correspondences to the models for 3 p−q contingency tables.
doi:10.1017/cbo9780511642401.014 fatcat:etx4gl3vhzefhdrcmtbkmvmiwq