Will Psychological Factors Among Parents Affect their Choice of Parenting Style? [chapter]

2022 Psychology Applications & Developments VIII  
Parenting is vital to children's psychological development. Previous research mainly studied the impacts of parental control over child discipline but not the association between parental perceived controllability and parenting style. The purpose of this study was to fill up this gap. There were three independent variables to measure parental attributes on the control in this study, including self-efficacy, self-control, and perceived controllability over their children. A one-item scale
more » ... d parental efficacy: "How much can you do to control the time your child spends. "Parental self-control was measured by the frequency of mobile phone usage with absent-mindedness. Parental perceived controllability was measured by their child's expected time usage of mobile phones minus the child's exact time usage on a mobile phone. The difference indicated the strength of parental perceived controllability over child discipline. Result: Authoritative parenting was predicted by self-efficacy (β=0.255, p=0.001) and perceived controllability (β=0.202, p=0.011). Authoritarian parenting was predicted by a lack of self-control (β=0.433, p<0.001) but not self-efficacy (β=0.024, p=0.745). Permissive parenting was predicted by both lack of self-control (β=0.488, p<0.001) and lack of parental perceived controllability (β=-0.167, p=0.019). Implication: Authoritarian and permissive parents may have more difficulties in controllability than authoritative parents. Recommendations for future parent education will be discussed.
doi:10.36315/2022padviii14 fatcat:5z7lv2j6h5bfrbbkisuyc7v6z4