Unlocking teeth: Development and application of isotopic methods for human provenance studies [article]

Esther Plomp, Joshua Peterson, Gareth R. Davies, Isabella C.C. Von Holstein, Lisette M. Kootker, Janne M. Koornneef
2020 Zenodo  
This PhD research was conducted as part of the international research project NEXUS1492 which studied the impacts of the colonial encounters in the Caribbean. As part of the second project that focused on the development and application of biogeochemical methods to address human mobility, this work combined the exploration of a new isotopic technique (Nd isotope analysis) and evaluated already established methods (Sr, O, C isotope analysis). Here, you find the following files:
more » ... df (the PDF file of the dissertation - EN/NL) UnlockingTeeth_print.pdf (the PDF file used for the physical copy - EN/NL) TandenOnstloten.pdf (the Dutch translation of the dissertation - NL) TandenOntsloten_Opname.mp3 (the recording of the Dutch summary - NL) Figure_8.1_data.csv (the data underlying Figure 8.1) Propositions (statements based on the work of the dissertation - EN)
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3929551 fatcat:gs7bvgi6crduri5t4xmelhznci