The ejecta of η Carinae

Theodore R. Gull
2006 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union  
Since New Year's Eve 1998, we have been studying 1] Carinae and the surrounding complex ejecta with the HST-STIS instrument. Angular resolution of 0.1" and spectral resolving power R=5000-118000 have revealed a multitude of emission and absorption lines identified from many heavy elements, Some data was obtained during the 1998.0 spectral minimum and now we have an HST Treasury proposal accepted to follow the star and ejecta changes across the 2003.5 minimum. To date, we identify the Homunculus
more » ... as an outer reflection nebula, an internal ionized Little Homunculus, a very small shell (fl.'4 in diameter), the Weigelt-blobs, and a peculiar structure called the strontium emission filament. More recently an even smaller extended structure (fI.'14 diameter) has been found to surround the Central Source as seen in the ultraviolet.
doi:10.1017/s1743921307010162 fatcat:uwjo7bqxm5hzhczlylzogze3wi