Robust photonic band gaps for hollow core guidance in PCF made from high index glass

J. Pottage, David Bird, T. Hedley, J. Knight, T. Birks, P. Russell, P. Roberts
2003 Optics Express  
We report a new type of photonic bandgap that becomes substantial at remarkably low air-filling fractions (~60%) in triangularlattice photonic crystal fibres (PCF) made from high index glass (n / 2.0). The ratio of inter-hole spacing to wavelength makes these new structures ideal for the experimental realisation of hollow-core PCF in the mid/farinfrared, where suitable glasses (e.g., tellurites and chalcogenides) tend to have high refractive indices. , "Extruded soft glass photonic crystal
more » ... for ultrabroad supercontinuum generation," Opt. Express 10, 1520-1525 (2002). 15.
doi:10.1364/oe.11.002854 pmid:19471405 fatcat:57i5klmk2bcbnfatbtfyto5aza