Laser Surface Hardening Considering Coupled Thermoelasticity Using An Eulerian Formulations

Me. Sistaninia, G.H.Farrahi, Ma. Sistaninia
2008 Zenodo  
Thermoelastic temperature, displacement, and stress in heat transfer during laser surface hardening are solved in Eulerian formulation. In Eulerian formulations the heat flux is fixed in space and the workpiece is moved through a control volume. In the case of uniform velocity and uniform heat flux distribution, the Eulerian formulations leads to a steady-state problem, while the Lagrangian formulations remains transient. In Eulerian formulations the reduction to a steady-state problem
more » ... the computational efficiency. In this study also an analytical solution is developed for an uncoupled transient heat conduction equation in which a plane slab is heated by a laser beam. The thermal result of the numerical model is compared with the result of this analytical model. Comparing the results shows numerical solution for uncoupled equations are in good agreement with the analytical solution.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1328158 fatcat:qibuwby5erh3hosgohrzrgdxhe