Impacts of climate variability on growth and variability of agricultural productivity: a review

Rekha Kumari, Shruti Kanga
2021 Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research  
In this paper a comprehensive review of different research papers, reports and articles associated with the impacts of the variability of climatic parameters mainly temperature and rainfall on agricultural productivity and its variability. In the high altitude and hilly regions due increase of temperature from low temperature, it makes those regions more favorable to more crop yield. Whereas in the planer region due to the increase of temperature the crop yields are getting affected to a
more » ... extent. The rainfall is also having a great impact on the crop yield. However, due to irregular seasonal patterns, an increase in the number of dry days and extremely high rainy days are affecting the yield of almost every crop. Apart from temperature and rainfall, the crop yields are also affected by greenhouse gases, for example, carbon dioxide, carbon mono-oxide, methane, etc. In opposite to that, the high volume of agricultural practices can decrease the level of greenhouse gases and climate change.
doi:10.7770/safer-v9n2-art2244 fatcat:hyw5yys7fzbwfadhdxaywucao4