Characteristic Analysis of Superconducting LSM for the Wheel-rail-guided Very High Speed Train according to Winding Method of the Ground 3-phase Coils
휠-레일 방식 초고속열차용 초전도 선형동기전동기의 지상권선 방식별 특성 분석

Chan-Bae Park, Byung-Song Lee, Chang-Young Lee
2014 The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers  
Recently, an interest in a hybrid system combining only the merits of the conventional wheel-rail system and Maglev propulsion system is growing as an alternative to high-speed maglev train. This hybrid-type system is based on wheel-rail method, but it enables to overcome the speed limitation by adhesion because it is operated by a non-contact method using a linear motor as a propulsion system and reduce the overall construction costs by its compatibility with the conventional railway systems.
more » ... herefore, the design and characteristic analysis of a coreless-type superconducting Linear Synchronous Motor (LSM) for 600km/h very high speed railway system are conducted in this paper. The designed coreless-type superconducting LSMs are the distributed winding model, the concentrated 1 layer winding model and the concentrated 2 layer winding model, respectively. In addition, the characteristic comparison studies on each LSM are conducted.
doi:10.5370/kiee.2014.63.8.1164 fatcat:sgkgjxouevf75n67eocvsdcfpq