Maximizing The Online Learning Experience: Suggestions For Educators And Students

Gina Cicco
2011 i-manager s Journal on School Educational Technology  
The virtual classroom may seem maintenance-free but in reality it is the role of the instructor to partner with institutional technology staff to make sure it is running smoothly, without technological glitches. The instructor is also expected to be fluent in the language of the course management system, whether it is Blackboard in its latest version, or WebCT, or another system. The instructor may receive training but ultimately will have to take the personal initiative to keep up with system
more » ... hanges and upgrades to be able to navigate through the classroom design and setup with ease. The responsibility of the instructor is not limited to remaining technologically literate. Instructors must also consider the online course as another vehicle for employing sound INTRODUCTION The Online Course Experience The increase in online course offerings among higher education programs presents educators with the responsibility and challenge to improve distance learning pedagogies. Graduate education programs have placed
doi:10.26634/jsch.7.1.1513 fatcat:zxky2jnim5autanxbnivlnboje