Large-stroke self-aligned vertical comb drive actuators for adaptive optics applications

Emily Carr, Scot Olivier, Olav Solgaard, Scot S. Olivier, Srinivas A. Tadigadapa, Albert K. Henning
2006 MEMS/MOEMS Components and Their Applications III  
A high-stroke micro-actuator array was designed, modeled, fabricated and tested. Each pixel in the 4x4 array consists of a self-aligned vertical comb drive actuator. This micro-actuator array was designed to become the foundation of a micro-mirror array that will be used as a deformable mirror for adaptive optics applications. Analytical models combined with CoventorWare® simulations were used to design actuators that would move up to 10µm in piston motion with 100V applied. Devices were
more » ... ted according to this design and testing of these devices demonstrated an actuator displacement of 1.4µm with 200V applied. Further investigation revealed that fabrication process inaccuracy led to significantly stiffer mechanical springs in the fabricated devices. The increased stiffness of the springs was shown to account for the reduced displacement of the actuators relative to the design.
doi:10.1117/12.656508 fatcat:pl5qk22trraixkluanjepgbf2m