Reports of Societies

1898 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
wherever he went, as in a train. This cough lasted with decreasing severity uutil withiu a month of entrance. The sputum was sometimes bloody, but usually yellow and foamy. About one year before entrance, that is, summer of 1894, a swelling about the size of a dollar appeared on chest wall near the site of present sinus. In September this swelling burst and a sinus formed. In June, 1895, two other such swellings and sinuses formed. The cause was supposed to be tubercular necrosis of one of the
more » ... ibs, and he was recommended to the hospital to have the sinuses cleaned up. The chest was negative except for cardio-respiratory murmur in region of apex, and harsh breathing with a few râles in left front, in region of sinuses. There were two sinuses and one old scar in cardiac region, low down.
doi:10.1056/nejm189808111390607 fatcat:yrdn72uotrc73l6xhfpmzwe3su