New techniques to apply an optical fiber image guide to harsh radiation environments in nuclear facilities

Atsushi Kimura, Eiji Takada, Yoneichi Hosono, Masaharu Nakazawa, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Hiroyuki Hayami, Michael A. Marcus, Anbo Wang
1999 Process Monitoring with Optical Fibers and Harsh Environment Sensors  
To apply optical fiber image guide (IG) to harsh radiation environments, we have developed two new techniques. One technique is a visible type IG with a color correcting system and the other technique is an infrared (IR) type IG. We irradiated the IGs utilizing a 60 Co gamma source. Measured Images with the visible type IG became dark and yellowish because of radiation induced loss. By using a color correction system, the original color of the images can be obtained. In the case of IR type IG,
more » ... ecause of low radiation induced loss in the IR region, the degree of darkening was less than half of that for the visible type of IG. This means that IR type IG has more radiation resistivity than visible type of IG. For a fixed the irradiated length of 2.5m, the lifetime of IG was estimated to be 4.6 10 8 [R] with the visible type IG and 1.2 10 9 [R] with the IR type IG. These radiation resistivities were more than 10 3 times of that for usual CCD cameras. With the new techniques, IG can be applied to harsh radiation environment, such as in a nuclear reactor.
doi:10.1117/12.335761 fatcat:fn563i3phjcrbmsjkxbhjzulyu