Analysis on Research Projects Trends of the Geoscientific Research Institution in Korea since the Fiscal Year of 1976
지질자원 전문연구기관의 연구과제 추이 분석 연구: 1976년 이후

Seong-Yong Kim, Eun-Young Ahn, Jae-Wook Lee
2013 Economic and Environmental Geology  
The importance of R&D has been recognized around the world and Korean research funding has rapidly increased in recent years. As a results, interest in strategic R&D Investment is growing in both the public and private sectors. This study was carried out to find trends in the research projects of the KIGAM since the fiscal year of 1976. The KIGAM expended 1,193.3 billion won during the 36 years from the fiscal years of 1976 to 2011, which is 1,795.8 billion won calculated using the present
more » ... in 2011 at discount rate of 5%. R&D expenditure of KIGAM increased approximately 132.9 times from 885 million won in 1976 to 117,600 million won in 2011, and about 24.1 times from 4,882 million won in 1976, as calculated using the present value in 2011. The number of research projects increased about 6.75 times, from 28 projects in 1976 to 189 projects in 2011. Based on research trend analysis over the last 36 years, the percentage of research projects by research fields were as follows: mineral resources research, 39.5%; geologic environmental research, 28.8%; geological research, 15.6%; petroleum and marine research, 12.1%; and policy research, 3.1%. The percentage of the R&D budget dedicated to each type of research were as follows: mineral resources research, 33.1%; geologic environmental research, 25.6%; geological research, 22.8%; petroleum and marine research, 15.9%; and policy research, 2.1%. Allocation of R&D investment was determined by considering the governmental priority of such research, as well as which area were most promising. Based on the research projects trends within KIGAM and analyses of its R&D, we should build our R&D portfolio in the areas of geosciences and mineral resources.
doi:10.9719/eeg.2013.46.3.235 fatcat:vbr5o43n7vhlvmkn2trnouuo6y