Fuel Cycle Research and Development Accident Tolerant Fuels Series 1 (ATF-1) Irradiation Testing FY 2016 Status Report [report]

Gregory Matthew Core
2016 unpublished
This report contains a summary of irradiation testing of Fuel Cycle Research and Development (FCRD) Accident Tolerant Fuels Series 1 (ATF-1) experiments performed at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in FY 2016. ATF-1 irradiation testing work performed in FY 2016 included design, analysis, and fabrication of ATF-1B drop-in capsule ATF-1 series experiments and irradiation testing of ATF-1 capsules in the ATR.
doi:10.2172/1369532 fatcat:2gqdbmju7bdbbcnfucsaiocncm