Distribution, Morphology, Anatomy And Histochemistry Of Crepidium Acuminatum

S.J. Adams, T. Senthil Kumar, G. Muthuraman, A. Majeed
2018 Zenodo  
Crepidium acuminatum is largely confine to the Himalayan region although it has been reported in South India, where its presence distribution needs to be critically studied. This study describes the morphological, anatomical and histochemical aspects of the materials of the authenticated species collected from Himalayas. This study also highlights the features of histochemistry and anatomy that should be used for the correct identification and authentication of C. acuminatum, especially because
more » ... of the therapeutic importance of the species and its possible adulteration by other orchids.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1195690 fatcat:cbezrvtkpvanbpxp44zdb67rrm