Production and decay of K -shell hollow krypton in collisions with 52–197-MeV/u bare xenon ions
Caojie Shao, Deyang Yu, Xiaohong Cai, Xi Chen, Kun Ma, Jarah Evslin, Yingli Xue, Wei Wang, Yury S. Kozhedub, Rongchun Lu, Zhangyong Song, Mingwu Zhang
(+10 others)
Physical Review A
X-ray spectra of K-shell hollow krypton atoms produced in single collisions with 52 - 197 MeV/u Xe54+ ions are measured in a heavy-ion storage ring equipped with an internal gas-jet target. Energy shifts of the Kα_1,2^s, Kα_1,2^(h,s), and Ke̱ṯa̱_1,3^s transitions are obtained. Thus, the average number of the spectator L-vacancies presented during the x-ray emission is deduced. From the relative intensities of the Kα_1,2^s and Kα_1,2^(h,s) transitions, the ratio of K-shell hollow krypton to
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... y K-shell ionized atoms is determined to be 14 - 24 collisions, the K-vacancies are mainly created by the direct ionization which cannot be calculated within the perturbation descriptions. The experimental results are compared with a relativistic coupled channel calculation performed within the independent particle approximation.